A week of heavy rains caused rivers to overflow, drowning at least 80 percent of the oil-rich state.You read that right: 80% of the state under water. And an epidemic likely on the way.
Much of the state capital, Villahermosa, looked like New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, with water reaching to second-story rooftops and desperate people awaiting rescue.
Unlike New Orleans and the U.S. Gulf coast, Tabasco doesn't have the wherewithal to recover, nor does it have the attention of the world.
Bob Harris provides info on how you can help. Please do, if you can.
Here's another blog posting with lots of ways you can help.
Another organization that is helping is UMCOR (United Methodist Committe On Relief). Part of what I like about them is that 100% of donations go directly to relief because the Methodist Church pays for all the overhead through apportionments from their congregations.
In the case of the Katrina/Rita disaster, UMCOR was among the first agencies on the scene and also among the most accessible. I proudly support them every chance I get.
It's actually received a lot fo reporting here in Oz. Of course, we tend to identify with floods, storms and and fires. The San Diego fires got a lot of coverage here too. All my friends there seem to be both fine and a bit shocked that I knew about it.
Don't know anyone in Tabasco though.
Good on you UMCOR too!
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