Monday, May 19, 2008

Islas Encantadas

I'm about to start uploading the posts I wrote while we were in the Galapagos Islands. I will endeavor to tag them all properly with "Galapagos," but no guarantees. If I succeed, you should be able to find them all by clicking here, or on the Galapagos tag over in the margin.

I may not have mentioned this previously, but this Galapagos trip is really sort of the dream trip of a lifetime. Not only do I have the degree in Rhetoric mentioned elsewhere on this page, but I double-majored in Environmental Science. And it seems like for any environmental scientist, a trip to Galapagos is rather like a pilgrimage to Mecca, almost a duty, certainly a great desire.

The shadow of Charles Darwin certainly lies heavily over the islands (and not just the one named for him, shown in the attached image). But the islands truly are a wonderful laboratory of science: biology, geology, oceanography. Just fascinating.

I want to go back!

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