Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Beach Stop

Sitting on the beach here is very pleasant. There is nominally free wifi out here, but I haven't found the key yet. Here, by the way, is the Puri Santrian resort in Sanur, Bali. We arrived quite uneventfully after about 20 hours in transit: 13+ hours from San Francisco to Taipei, Taiwan, then after a couple of hours in the transit lounge there, another five hours from Taipei to Denpasar, Bali.

Flights were on China Airlines, and were quite painless. Good service, lousy video, but we slept a lot of the way. Food was even pretty decent.

Being met at the airport by folks from the dive operation was a nice touch. Just knowing we didn't have to fuss with a cab and such was worth a lot.

Bali is much the way we remember it, of course. Makes sense, since it's only five months since we were last here. Very pleasant people, hot weather (30 C this afternoon, muggy). Puri Santrian is very nice, right on the beach, with a huge pool and lots of great places to sit on the beach. We seem to be considerably younger than the average couple here, and a lot less German. Don't know whether that's real, a sampling error on the beach, or a skew in the demographics in the late afternoon.

Jan has already made spa arrangements for tomorrow. I plan to relax, read, write, and maybe figure out the wifi. A couple of our friends who will be on the dive portion of the trip are also staying here. We may meet them for dinner. Or not. We're definitely slipping into vacation mode quickly.

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